Developer: BioWare | Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Add-on / RPG / 3D / 3rd Person
You are persecuted by a powerful crime cartel, hunting for "the blood of Hawk." Your task - to put an end to constant attacks of villains. To reveal the source of aggression and learn the bitter truth about the kind of Hawk, you have to leave and go to Kirkvoll old prison guard Grey. Start your adventure with every episode of the campaign Dragon Age II, fight new creatures of darkness, make yourself a new deadly weapon and join the fight with an ancient horror. Features:
- Learn the hard truth about the kind of Hawke
- Visit the new territories, including the prison, built the Grey Guards
- Obtain a formidable weapon in its class, and improve it if necessary
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows Vista / XP / Windows 7
* Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo (or equivalent) / AMD Athlon 64 X2 (or equivalent) with a frequency of 1.8 GHz and above
Memory: 1024 MB (1536 MB for Windows 7/Vista)
Video Card: Radeon HD 2600 Pro / NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS with 256 MB VRAM, DirectX 9.0c compatible
* Hard drive space: 7 GB
* Downloading DA2 DLC Activator (Who has, so not necessary)
* Extract of Dragon Age 2 \ addins. Open Notepad decrypt_dlc.bat
* Append:
rem Legacy
deda2drm.exe da2_prc_drk 4401-685A-21E3-68EC-C704-DB70- B98B-0D46
* Save. Then it should just open.
* Then go to the folder in da2_prc_drk addons, open in Notepad manifest.xml.
Need to be as follows:
MID = "220" RequiresAuthorization = "0"
* Save.
After installation, you must re-copy the DLTS crack version 1.3 in the game folder.